So much is on the line.

As a state senator, I will champion and advocate for the following:

Young people holding up a large inflated globe

Climate solutions


With a 25-year career at ASU as a Global Futures Scientist, my passion for sustainability led me to run for office. As a Tempe councilmember and vice mayor, I spearheaded Tempe's climate action planning and drove innovation in water, energy, and equity projects. At ASU, I was a champion for building sustainable and healthy communities through local engagement.

But my proudest work has been mentoring young people in the art and science of activism. My dedication to sustainability is not just a platform but a lifelong commitment — to drive meaningful progress in creating a livable future for all.


  • Clean energy: Central Arizona is consistently ranked in the top 10 most polluted cities in the country, and don’t we all deserve clean air and water? The Legislature needs to seize the day — and the sun — to spark a clean-energy economy, which will have a multitude of beneficial impacts, including creating good union jobs and lower utility bills.  It is imperative that we move beyond our predominantly fossil fuel–powered state so we can build healthier and safer communities.

    Not only do we need to move forward with the clean energy transition, we need to ensure that no one is left behind. Our Arizona cities were built from the foundations set and resources extracted from our tribal nations and rural communities. I will prioritize a “just transition” to support coal dependent communities and empower them to thrive in a new economy. 

    I will also advocate for Community Choice Energy (CCE), which prioritizes local energy choice. CCE is a unique energy solution that gives customers a choice of local energy plans, helps them save on their utility bills and drives decarbonization for the entire state.

  • Climate adaptation and mitigation: We must mobilize Arizona’s Clean Arizona Plan and Priority Climate Action Plan to reduce pollutants, create high-quality jobs, and enhance the lives of Arizonans. These plans include increasing mass transit options, electrifying our transportation system, and adopting zero-emission vehicle standards.

  • Water: Arizona's water management strategies must be science-based and proactive to protect Arizona families and our beautiful environment. We need to expand the Groundwater Management Act, protecting our scarce water resources and regulating corporate pumping that harms our rural communities and small family farms.

  • Local control: Our cities and counties are driving innovation in climate action, and statewide policy should support, not hamper, these efforts.

Lauren holding a sign reading "Roe Your Vote"

Abortion access


As a woman, the mom of two wonderful young women, and a new grandma, I’m alarmed at the erosion of reproductive rights for my family and our community. How can it be that my grandbaby, Rory, has been born into a world with fewer rights than my daughters and I had? As a Tempe councilmember, I worked to ensure that Planned Parenthood patients seeking abortions and healthcare were protected, and I will continue to fight for reproductive freedom and ensure that individuals and families are protected and have equal access to healthcare.


The urgency for the Arizona Abortion Access Act is undeniable. In November, Arizonans will be empowered to reclaim control over our healthcare decisions, placing it where it rightfully belongs: with Arizona patients, their medical providers, and their families. Moreover, women of color face disproportionate health challenges throughout their lives, particularly concerning abortion care and access. By safeguarding healthcare and abortion access, we are supporting and empowering these communities.

I am committed to protecting our bodily autonomy and abortion rights from political interference. We cannot move backward on these critical issues.

Dogs wearing signs reading "Resist!" and "Vote!"

Democracy and voting rights


I have volunteered in nearly every election since I was 15 years old, and voting rights hold profound significance for me. I am committed to fighting for the rights of all Arizonans and their fundamental right to vote and shape our state's future.

Additionally, running for SRP's board provided me with firsthand insight into the outdated and unrepresentative nature of the acreage-based voting system of the state’s second-largest utility.


I am an advocate for fair, accessible elections that uphold democratic principles. We must halt the erosion of Arizona’s Voter Protection Act and restore integrity to our state's ballot initiative process. By reversing detrimental legislation, we can reaffirm Arizona as a leader in voting access. Furthermore, we must safeguard election officials across the state who face violent threats in our divisive political climate.

Regarding the Salt River Project, the nation’s largest public power generator, I will address the inequities in its election process, where only property owners are eligible to vote.

Lauren at a table for the Stop Dark Money proposition in 2022

Accountability and transparency


In every aspect of politics, including the local level, the corrupting influence of money is undeniable — distorting priorities, weakening accountability, and eroding public trust. I am an advocate for governance by the people, for the people, steering clear of corporate interests and the wealthy influence that have dominated our political landscape. As a councilmember, I was deeply committed to addressing these challenges. Working alongside my council colleagues, we successfully reduced campaign donation limits from over $6,000 to $500 per person. I also led a dark-money ballot initiative which won an overwhelming 91% support from Tempe voters. These efforts garnered national recognition, as I was featured in the MSNBC docuseries American Swamp on the corrupting influence of money in politics.


Transitioning to the state legislature, I will champion campaign finance reform and for safeguarding our democracy. We must strive to eliminate obstacles for citizens in the referendum process, combat voter intimidation, and make voter registration easier for our citizens. My focus is on preserving voting rights, removing barriers to citizen initiatives and referendums, and enhancing voter participation through measures like automatic voter registration.

Lauren Kuby with college students on a staircase



As a Tempe councilmember, I was an ardent advocate for free Pre-K and accessible higher education. And my background as a Senior Global Futures Scientist at ASU has deeply influenced my commitment to these causes. Having witnessed firsthand the transformative power of education in my community and through my work in higher education, I place immense value on ensuring that all individuals have access to quality education, regardless of their background or socioeconomic status. I will continue to champion policies that prioritize public education and expand opportunities for all Arizonans to pursue their educational goals.


  • Public schools: Every child in any Arizona school district has the right to accessible, quality public education in their neighborhood. Unfortunately, our public schools, particularly in low-income communities, have been underfunded and lack the necessary support to provide top-tier education to our youth. To ensure a strong foundation for our growing state, our public schools need long-term, reliable funding resources.

  • ESA vouchers: The expansion of Arizona's Empowerment Scholarship Account (ESA) program — a deceptive name for school vouchers — is a failed legislative experiment, harming our public schools and draining our state treasury. Public tax dollars should not be invested in private schools education. The voucher program has allowed taxpayer money to fund non-educational expenses, such as water park tickets and at-home rock walls. It’s time to eliminate the expansion of ESA vouchers and reinvest those dollars back into public education. Vouchers should be restricted to students with special needs, students in a failing school system, or homeschooled children.

  • Teacher attainment and retention: Arizona has no shortage of qualified educators capable of teaching our youth. What we lack are competitive wages, benefit packages, and safe working conditions needed to attract and retain this invaluable workforce. We cannot continue to let our public educators go without the proper pay and support needed to educate the next generation of Arizonans. Our teachers, paraeducators, bus drivers, cafeteria workers, custodians and all who keep our public schools going are our future and they deserve respect commensurate with that responsibility. Investments in the workforce and education infrastructure will pay dividends in the societal impacts of a strong public education system.

Artist's rendering of the Tempe Micro-Estates project.

Image: Tempe Micro-Estates

Affordable housing


As the leader of ASU's Stardust Center for Affordable Housing and the Family, I spearheaded initiatives that connected housing, health, food access, and transportation to develop regional integrated solutions for vibrant, healthy communities. Collaborating with cities, community partners, and housing advocates, I worked to enhance the capacity for affordable and workforce housing in our region.

As a Tempe councilmember, I partnered with organizations like Newtown Community Land Trust and Habitat for Humanity to pioneer innovative housing solutions, including Arizona's first 3D-printed affordable home. My advocacy led to the implementation of a requirement for all developers in Tempe to submit an Affordable Housing Impact Statement, ensuring that affordable housing remains a priority in our community.


I will champion legislation that prioritizes affordable and workforce housing over market-rate developments. My plan is to enhance Arizona’s Affordable Housing Trust Fund, enabling nonprofit developers to build more affordable options. I will advocate for funding community land trusts to create permanently affordable housing and opportunities for generational wealth. Additionally, I will work with industry leaders on legislation to promote “missing middle” housing, offering diverse, affordable housing choices in sustainable, walkable neighborhoods. I am also committed to passing a Tenant’s Bill of Rights to protect renters and provide stability to Arizona’s working class.

Lauren at a C W A event

Worker protections


I am a proud member of United Campus Workers (part of the Communications Workers of America) and an active supporter of the labor movement. As a Tempe councilmember, I spearheaded the earned-sick day movement and advocated for Project Labor Agreements and the adoption of prevailing wage standards. I stood in solidarity with workers, walking the picket line, fasting, and camping out at Tempe City Hall alongside the Mission Palms Housekeepers and their union, UNITE HERE, as they successfully fought to form a union. I am dedicated to advocating for and protecting the rights of working-class Arizonans, and I will continue to stand up as a voice for workers.


The labor movement is gaining momentum day by day, and I am inspired as the younger generation is embracing the labor movement. As a Senator, I will advocate for collective bargaining, worker protection, and living wages. In the words of UAW leader Shawn Fain, I will “stand up, speak up, and show up.” Walking the talk translates into crafitng worker-friendly legislation that supports prevailing wages, Project Labor Agreements, and other worker-friendly policies.

Lauren Kuby with Kris Mayes

“Lauren is a champion for climate solutions, abortion rights, and protecting democracy. Her passion and advocacy for her community makes her the perfect person to protect this critical seat.”

Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes